Does God like the Fair?

YES. God is no grump, God loves a party! God’s kingdom is full of singing, dancing, and feasting. Celebration is a gift from your Father - a tiny taste of heaven. Now, what part of the fair do you think would be God’s favorite??

A well known pastor (A. W. Tozer) said, “What comes to mind when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” If the god of your imagination is angry or distant or cartoonish, that will affect how you live and relate (or don’t relate) to him. It’s important to teach our imaginations to see God as he really is; as the Bible describes him. Does God show anger? Sure. Let’s make just a couple notes though. First, God only gets angry at wickedness. Second, God never “loses his temper” the way you or I do. In fact, again and again in scripture, God’s anger is a sort of last straw after a loooooong time of patience and grace. God inexplicably continues to bless his people through generations of their disobedience before finally letting them experience a glimpse (and only just a glimpse) of his anger. The point is, God is not grouchy, temperamental, or angry. God is a God of love and joy. The default expression on God’s face is a smile, and God enjoys the laughter of his people.
Try this illustration: Imagine you walk into a room and God is in there. He turns from what he’s doing and he sees that it’s you. Stop. What was the expression on his face? Did he roll his eyes? Did he look away disinterested? NO! The answer, dear Christian, is he’s beaming from ear to ear! He is pleased with you, and not because you get all A’s and never do the wrong thing. If you have put your trust in Jesus, God is pleased with you because you belong to him. He loves you with the same love he has for his own Son. Amazing. Jesus has removed whatever was ugly about you and replaced it with exquisite beauty; his righteousness is the word the Bible uses. You’re God’s adopted child and God loves being with you (John 14:3, John 17:20-26, Hebrews 12:2).
Here are some more examples of the joy-filled heart of God: God filled the ancient Hebrew calendar with feast days and celebrations. Israelite kings danced and the priests organized parades to hoot and holler about how great it is to be God’s child. The psalms include many joyful songs of celebration and thanksgiving. Jesus performed his first miracle at a wedding, turning water into wine so the party could continue and the hosts wouldn’t be embarrassed. The coming of heaven to earth is described, in Revelation, as a wedding feast. 
Take a look at these videos and celebrate alongside the Lord of the Dance.

Dive Deeper

Additional Resources

Jesus Let Down His Hair

Boldy Approach | The Art of Celebration