Missions & Outreach

Local Outreach

Foreign Missions

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you,
so you must love one another.  By this everyone will know that
you are my disciples, if you love one another."
John 13:34-35
For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the
glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.

Habakkuk 2:14

Active Missionaries

Part of the gifts St. Andrew receives are passed on to help missionaries who work in places where no local church can support them. 

S & A

S & A, originally from Bangladesh, split their time between their church in the states, which is made up of former Muslims who have converted to follow Jesus, and  Bangladesh, working out of refugee camps set up to house the Rohingya. Rohingya are a Muslim people group flooding into Bangladesh to escape ethnic cleansing in Myanmar. Doctors Without Borders says there are at least 1.2 million such people living in camps in Bangladesh. 

Abu Atallah

Abu Atallah is Egyptian by birth, Scottish-Irish by adoption, American by citizenship, and blood-bought by Jesus! He spends his year traveling, encouraging and equipping BMBs (believers from a Muslim background) to plant churches, evangelize, and disciple one another. You can read his fascinating autobiography, "From Cairo to Christ".

Join the Mission

Serve the Kingdom in Mexico

Pastor David Lopez and his wife Carina lead an evangelical church in the southern Mexico city of Oaxaca (wuh-ha-kuh). The name of their church is Iglesia Hogar (Home Church). Pastor David and St Andrew pastor, Adam Reasner, have known each other a long time. We believe God is bringing Iglesia Hogar and St. Andrew into a partnership that will be God glorifying for many years to come.

November of 2024 the first mission team from St. Andrew will be with our brothers and sisters in Oaxaca.
Our mission will have three parts:

1. Encourage the faithful. Evangelical Christians are a struggling minority in Mexico. Our visit will be a powerful reminder to Iglesia Hogar that they are not alone.
2. Tell people about Jesus. We will go door to door inviting those who live near Iglesia Hogar to come to evening events to meet the people and hear about Jesus. We will teach the simple gospel to children through play and crafts.
3. Empower women economically. The Bible has much to say about both the dignity of women and financial stewardship. God has uniquely equipped us to teach these biblical truths and help marginalized Christian women set up small group Bible studies that double as savings groups (micro-lending, if you’ve heard that term).

Please keep this mission in your prayers.