
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14


Nursery (birth through pre-school) is available during Sunday School and Worship. The children are cared for by our dedicated nursery coordinator and volunteers in a space designed for kids!

Young Disciples

During worship, children (of all ages) are invited to the front for a conversation with the pastor! There is often an object lesson to illustrate the gospel. After this, children are welcome to sit with parents during the sermon or go to Kids Worship/Nursery.

Kids Worship

Children K-5th grade are invited to kids worship, following Young Disciples. Our Pastor of Youth and Family Ministry and a group of volunteers lead a Bible lesson with activities,  and crafts. The first Sunday of every month, there is no kids worship, instead children are invited to worship with their families and participate with us as we celebrate the Lord's Supper.


The safety of your child is of utmost importance to us. All kids spaces are secured during the service, all staff and volunteers have undergone security training and have completed background checks.

Sensory Space/Mother's Room

Worship with children who need special care/play durring the service. Nursing mothers are given priority. The room features, comfortable seating, engaging sensory play for children birth - early elementary. Parent supervision required.

Special Events

We have events targeted specifically for children throughout the year including Easter, Christmas, & our Trick-or-Treat Pit-Stop.

Interested in serving with our Children's Ministry?