The Apostle Paul says marriage is very special because it points to the mystery of heaven; when God the Father will join his people (the Church) to his Son in unity by the Spirit (Ephesians 5:32). Marriage is designed to put the true meaning of love on display for the world to see. Love, according to the Bible, is the sacrificing of one’s self for the benefit of another (1 Corinthians 13, Ephesians 5:25). Because marriage has this very sacred meaning and purpose, God filled it with power. Marriage binds two people together for life and creates a brand new "one-flesh" entity (Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:5, Mark 10:8-9, Ephesians 5:31). Marriage is the proper context for the conception of and nurturing of children. This is why marriage is the only place humans are to be sexually intimate (Hebrews 13:4). These scriptures, and many others, serve to explain to us why marriage is so special. This is why we take marriage seriously.
It is expected that weddings at St. Andrew will be officiated by a pastor of this church, however, exceptions may be made on a case by case basis. Those wishing to be married at St. Andrew should meet with Pastor Adam early to review policies and receive his consent.
Prospective newlyweds should know about the following requirements:
• Only weddings between one man and one woman, both of whom must be professing, baptized believers in Jesus Christ, will be sanctioned by St. Andrew Church (EPC).
• A course of biblical pre-marital counseling will be required, as directed by the Pastor.
• The marriage ceremony is a worship service of God’s people. While each wedding is unique, the Pastor will expect certain details to be present (e.g. scripture, prayer, and an exposition of God’s word).
Contact the office for more information or to take the next step in planning for your special day!
It is expected that weddings at St. Andrew will be officiated by a pastor of this church, however, exceptions may be made on a case by case basis. Those wishing to be married at St. Andrew should meet with Pastor Adam early to review policies and receive his consent.
Prospective newlyweds should know about the following requirements:
• Only weddings between one man and one woman, both of whom must be professing, baptized believers in Jesus Christ, will be sanctioned by St. Andrew Church (EPC).
• A course of biblical pre-marital counseling will be required, as directed by the Pastor.
• The marriage ceremony is a worship service of God’s people. While each wedding is unique, the Pastor will expect certain details to be present (e.g. scripture, prayer, and an exposition of God’s word).
Contact the office for more information or to take the next step in planning for your special day!